Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic Fever

or is it fervor?

As readers who read my blog during the summer Olympics know... i love watching the games. and this past week has been so exciting. (did you guys see last night... so flippin cool!)

Anyway I was reading about medal predictions on the Freakonomics blog and found this site mentioned in the comments. The website is mostly political, but he has an updated prediction model, and you can scroll through the days to see how each days events have changed the ongoing predictions.

I have been very tired from staying up every night, and my studying is starting to suffer. I try to study while things record and then I can fast forward and catch up by the end of the night. This is ill timed as I also lagged in my studying last week from vacation. I am at least interested in the chapter, more so than the last.

1 comment:

Andrea and Terrance said...

I am with you on the Olympics. I have always stayed up way too late watching the coverage and then I am exahsted the next day. I started wondering if there was something physically wrong with me but then decided it was probably just these late night olympic watches. I just can't keep up with the little boy when I do it!