Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have spent one too many nights staying up to watch the Olympics. I am getting to the point of totally exhausted.

In other news I am very excited because my gardening books that I ordered from Amazon should be at my house today. I can't think of a better way to celebrate another 4 inches of snow, than to read about gardening.

ok back to work


alana. said...

you so inspire me with all your gardening and garden-related plans. as a cook, I'd love to have one of my own, but being in Vegas makes it soooo hard!

sarah said...

I just got some new books which are pretty cool and talk a lot about container gardening and working with what you have... two of the books are by the same author and after getting them i would say you only *need* one: "You Grow Girl" and "Grow Great Grub"