Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dirty boots and ravioli

Ok people hang on to your hats... March is here, and although it is rainy and nasty this morning, I was able to get home before the sun set yesterday and work in my garden for about a half hour. Things were a little soggy, and I may have killed a peony trying to transplant it, but I have cleared a place next to my current garden (I am calling it "the Annex") area for my newly purchased asparagus roots.

And where did I get my asparagus roots? I got them at the flower and garden show that Bill and I went to this past Saturday. It was fun, but the vendor part was a bit disappointing. The gardens were really cool.

Last night we had my home made ravioli. When did I make the ravioli? On Saturday night Lily came over and we made pasta and ravioli. and after having a meal of the pasta and a yummy sauce made by Bill, we continued the culinary theme and watched Julie and Julia. I loved the movie it was cute and fun and as always Meryl Streep was amazing.

I will try to upload pictures of the raviolis and what-not for your viewing pleasure.


The Brown Bits said...

yum! what did you stuff the ravioli with?

sarah said...

3 cheese:
ricotta, pecorino and Parmigianino and a spice mix called pasta sprinkle