Thursday, March 18, 2010


so as much as i have tried to ignore the marching of time and continue on with my life the wait to hear from graduate school is almost over. I will find out next Wednesday. I have tried to tell myself that I won't be upset if I don't get accepted, but the truth is it is hard. It is hard to stay excited about it even though you know the chances aren't huge that you'll get in. It is hard to try and make plans for the rest of the year not knowing what I'll be doing with my life in September.

I am ready to find out and be done with the holding pattern, but to protect my ego I am not quite ready, because I know the probability of acceptance. I have tried to stay even keeled throughout the last 3 months. I have tried to focus on my CFA studying, but with 6 more days I am having a hard time with keeping up my outer appearance.

Anyway, I know either way you guys will still come and read (all five of you).


Unknown said...

It's ok Sarah; I know the feeling. Waiting to hear from PhD programs and ultimately not getting in was one of the most humbling experiences on my life, but it's all worked out for the best. Whatever happens, you have many things to be thankful for in your life, and I know you will be successful in whatever you choose to do. Hang in there! I'm sending good thoughts your way :)

sarah said...

thanks CB... I know mine is not a unique situation and I know that things will work out for the best... but that is like trying to tell a kid who is waiting for an ice cream cone that on the chance that they can't have the ice cream that they are still lucky and blessed. I, for one, love my desserts.

I do appreciate your perspective, though.

Anonymous said...

wow! this is a big deal. hang in there. i have a good feeling. rooting for you!

Andrea and Terrance said...

If it makes you feel any better, we are playing he waiting game too and it is AWFUL!!!!!!! This is our 2nd year applying as well.

I'm excited to find out with you--I'll be back tomorrow!