Tuesday, March 13, 2007

gone about as fer as they can go....

Things are progressing nicely at this time. not much to report on the house... lots of packing being done... but seeing as I hadn't blogging anything substantial in a while an update is in order.

on the 2nd i dragged Bill along with me to go see Oklahoma on the big screen and meet Shirley Jones who was there for the screening of both that movie and the Music Man. That was really fun to see the movie on the big screen and to just ignore the impending packing that needed to start soon.

last week was a blur of packing and avoiding packing. i would say we're about 1/3 the way done now... and considering the move date is set on the 24th we are about where we need to be. oh and last week's Heros was great... i will be missing that show until it comes back.

This weekend I.... spent 5 hours of my live watching TLC's "what not to wear" on friday night. i had to stop when they started repeating episodes form earlier in the evening... so then i watched princess diaries (which i love). ...Sat we had a car appointment they stole our car made us get a rental and have not called us as of yet with any good news (if you haven't heard my tirade on the car don't ask). then we had lunch with Frank and got some of our pent up energy out playing tennis. of course we weren't outside in the beautiful weather but inside playing on our wii. ...Sunday we got to meet Bill's older cousin's new baby at a baby party in china town. The little guy is very cute with crazy amounts of hair and big fat baby cheeks. everyone told bill and me (but mostly bill since i don't' speak Cantonese) that we were next and we must hurry up..... lots of pressure.

this week so far has been a mixture of tired and tired. the time change thing has thrown my body for a loop and the fact that i haven't been getting to bed at decent times isn't helping.

anyway. i will up date you all (alana) when i know anything.


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