Monday, February 04, 2008

so very tired

congrats to rj and the other giants fans out there. this is the first time in a while i can honsestly say that the superbowl was interesting and exciting and that we watched to the end.

Out side of that we had the standard weekend of driving all around. saw brian and christie and also celebrated bill's mom's b-day.

Chicago has been dumped upon with snow lately and this week we will be getting.... rain (to get rid of some snow and then more snow. I think we've made up for the last two winders already.

Super tuesday is this week. for all of you who like to complaine about our government you need to vote to have a hand in where we are going, otherwise please don't complain anymore.

Thats about it... the pooch is gaining about a pound a week and is very cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How 'bout you put more pix of that puppy up! Or come visit with her :) It'd be nice to see all three of you in person!