Tuesday, July 22, 2008


last night's harvest of peppers yielded 5 nice sized green bells and 5 Italian peppers.... this week i have already had peppers in eggs and peppers stuffed with peppers. i believe we will be having grilled peppers and pork chops later this week. last week it was peppers in pasta and peppers in stir fry..... any other pepper ideas?

my tomatoes are not fairing as well as the peppers yet.... but my broccoli is continuing to churn out little trees for the second month.

Edit: Add to the list peppers with veggie dip and sliced peppers on my sandwich at lunch

1 comment:

alana. said...

I'm jealous of your bounty!

Sounds like you have lots of good cookery ideas already. I love peppers. I like slicing them really thing (in circles) and layering them in lasagna. Tomatoes too.

I like veggies.
