Monday, August 11, 2008

can't talk - olympics

so we had a great vacation but now i can't really talk about it... did you see the back to back to back golds in the cube? and may/walsh? and so far the men's gymnastics has had me out of my seat.... this morning as we were getting ready to leave i was watching basketball... last night it was the swimming and women's gymnastics... Saturday more swimming and whatever else was on... Friday we watched women's jousting... did i mention i love watching the Olympics?


Malesa said...

Did you see the opening ceremonies? They were freakin' amazing! We were watching the men's diving the other day. I agree...the olympics rock. I DO feel like we should have world peace while the Olympics are running though (grrrr Russia!).

sarah said...

i know what you mean. I don't understand why we can't just get along

I didn't get to see the whole ceremony because we were on vacation. Bill's sister recorded it and we will watch it this weekend at her house.