Tuesday, August 19, 2008

end of summer

wow that went by fast, but the kiddies start school tomorrow in my town which to me means the end of summer.

after a week of catch up i finally feel ok at work (you always play catch up proportional to the vacation time taken). and this week i am finally cleaning up and digging out from all of the quarter end stuff.

on other notes... i have been able to harvest a few tomatoes and more peppers and broccoli this week, so we are back to the pepper in everything diet

Tonight was Winnie's graduation, and she did great! she passed all her "finals":
1.walking around cones with treats on top of them
2.sitting and staying next to said cones
3.sitting, staying and finally running through said cones only to come and sit in front of me and then run around me and "finish" sitting at my side.
4.She was taken out into the store to the back aisle Bill lined her up next to all the dogs and she was told to sit and stay and then Bill, with all of the owners, walked away and into the next aisle.

Every time Winnie did wonderful and we were both so proud, especially after how disappointing ending the puppy class was (she had regressed and wouldn't sit or stay at all.) The next level is the advanced class which tests for the Canine Good Citizenship (an accreditation from the ACS and a must for any volunteer/therapy). Most of the dog that pass that at about 1.5, and Winnie won't turn one until late October, so we might repeat the intermediate class in the meantime.


Malesa said...

yum-o for food from the garden. I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

are you trying to get Winnie to be a therapy dog? I need doggie therapy, can I be her "guinea pig" :)