Monday, August 29, 2005

If anyone knows of cheap property in Ireland or Italy ...

Otherwise known as why I don't like where I am right now.

Its not that I don't like being American, or that Europe has tons of the states, because they both have problems, but I really don't like the city any more, on top of not liking the city I am really not liking suburban sprawl either... that leave the country, and well I have see the country of the states (or what dwindling part of it hasn't been ravaged by a Wal-Mart) and I like the country of Ireland (which is like 95% of the land) and I have seen pics of Italy and that seems pretty nice too.

So my general idea is to find someone who is willing to move bill and me to a place like Ireland and give bill and very nice paying job so that I can stay home and have kids and cook and have a large garden and buy fresh food every day etc. Will someone make my dream come true?

EDIT: I must live near (walking/ bike) distance of said little town because I never liked driving and now gas prices are crazy here and they are even crazier over there. Look at what the price spike has done to my poor little piggy bank!


Anonymous said...

It's not Italy or Ireland, but you are more than welcome to take care of my goats in Greece. My inheritance is wasted on me.

sarah said...

cool i like olives and lamb....

RJW said...

come to alexandria. it's not the country, but it's not the city, nor suburbs either. no walmart without getting on the highway. target within walking distance (~2mi) though. you can walk to all the little shops in old town, with all it's brick sidewalks, making it feel just like small town living.

of course, you'll need at least 500k for a small house with a small garden.

saw you called, send me your home phone sometime and i'll ring you up.