Wednesday, January 31, 2007


so it is cold here. not brr i'm chilly cold but that kind of cold that if you were in a video game would drain your green life bar (yes too much wii). it is so cold that i just had to temporarily move my plant from my window because i touched it and it was colder than a plan should get. so now my 2 and 1/2 year old plant which has vines over 5 ft is sitting on the ledge in front of my wipe board and all the tangle of green is distracting me every time i look up at my screen. I really should repot this thing but can you imagine this taking the 30 min metra ride in and our of the city? and if i do repot it i think the pot will become too big and too heavy for my radiator which is where i have it sitting.

and yes if you caught that i sit my plant on the radiator next to the window... probably a sign that the radiator is just for show when the pant is fraking freezing.

meanwhile it is the last day of the month, and while i have been productive these last few days i am behind in finishing things. oh well for one month i get stuff to do and the next two are super slow... i don't really mind it too much if the busy time trickles into an extra week or so.

aforementioned plant....

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