Monday, June 09, 2008

reunions left and right

so this weekend was my 5 year reunion with u of c. it was fun to go to the "dinner" event on Friday and see some people that i haven't seen in a while. more importantly it has made me start thinking about next year and my 10 year high school reunion. i still have a hard time believing it has been that long... so much has changed in the last 9 years moves, marriages, babies, school and more school, careers and other life changing events. a year from this September will mark 10 years of my life in Chicago -- it's crazy!

the other reunion was with friends for BJ's wedding reception. It was good fun and a lot of dancing to "Indian-ized" dance music.

because we were gone during the day and then well into the night for errands and the wedding we missed the tornado that ripped through right south of us. we have had so much rain recently that even if we had had a permit for our deck i am doubting if anything would have happened.

things are busy at work for bill and me. Winnie is doing well, I'll try to put up a pic of her new trick "dance"



Malesa said...

I'm glad the tornado missed you. Looked pretty nasty on CNN

sarah said...

yeah I couldn't believe that it had been so close. there was no sign of it at our house.

Unknown said...

We are getting so old aren't we? Are you gonna go to the 10 yr HB reunion? We missed you at the 5 yr, which your's truly helped to organize...I ain't falling for that again! haha