Wednesday, February 11, 2009


that is what the newspaper said today's high was going to be. and for those of you keeping tabs Phoenix is supposed to be 56.

The weather has really brought me out of my funk. It's been so nice out it is pretty hard to complain about anything.

Bill is still fighting this cold he got from me 2 weeks ago. Hopefully, he gets better before Valentine's day.

Ok I started this yesterday, but didn't get to posting it. Anyway, class last night was fun there are two goldens, a rottie, a cockapoo (otherwise known in my house as a duffydog) and a mutt which looked like a cattle dog corgi (long legs, tail but total corgi face and markings). Winnie is now one of the "smart" dogs since she has seen everything before. I am hoping by the end of this class she starts to really understand heeling and will do things like sit automatically when I stop walking. right now in class i have to tap my foot lightly on the ground, but outside i have to "remind" her every time.

1 comment:

Malesa said...

I totally hear you on the weather thing! I'm glad that you are out of your funk. I think I'm also starting to come out of mine. I think that it's cute that your puppy is taking little puppy classes. Good luck Winnie!