Friday, April 24, 2009


its supposed to reach 85 hear today !!

Not much going on with me. I attended the funeral for my co-worker's daughter Christie yesterday. If life isn't fair, cancer is really not fair. If you are the praying type keep Christie's Family especially her little daughter Faith in your prayers.

This weekend I have a wedding shower to attend and other than that its studying and working in the yard. there is a lot of work to be done on both fronts.

oh an bug season has started. bill killed a 2.5 inch centipede this morning. sigh.


Malesa said...

Gross! (for the centipede). I'm so sorry about Christie. I will definitely include little Faith in my prayers. Poor little sweetheart. Cancer is a mean, mean thing. Both of the kids I took care of in the ICU had cancer. While I'm at work, I just can't think about that and I just have to focus on helping them feel better right now. It's sad though.

Malesa said...

That was yesterday, I meant to say.