Tuesday, April 21, 2009


this is because you twisted my arm... and you actually read my blog....

1. 8 Favorite Shows: Lost, Chuck, Heroes, The Unusuals (b/c i know someone working on it and it seems to have potential), The no. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, True Blood ...I don't know if these two count as they aren't on the air anymore Pushing Daisies, Everwood

2. 8 Favorite Restaurants: hmmm so very many and it changes with the seasons.... Merlot on Maple, The Gage, Osteria Via Stato, Redstone, Antico Posto, Wildfire, Aurelio's, and this last one is for Bill... Smoque

3. 8 Books I'd Recommend: This is totally dependant on what I am reading, and since I haven't' been reading much lately I think I will give some books and some of my favorite series: The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Twilight Series(yes I am 13 sometimes), Eat Love Pray, Water for Elephants, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, Harry Potter Series, all of Jane Austen's works, and since it is the authors birthday today Jane Eyre

4. 8 Things That Happened Yesterday: Hmm received the bad news of the death of my co-worker's daughter, worked on some tedious things, went to class, got very close to the last reading in my last review book, watched the you tube video Uncle Jeff sent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FaNzrtu0KM like 15 times and cracked up each time, tried a new restaurant for dinner, watched Heroes, chatted with an old HS friend online about our up coming reunion.

5. 8 Things I Look Forward To: the weekend!, visiting Billick in a week and a half, Ran's shower, finishing this last review book, 86 degrees on Friday, 5pm June 6th, planting my garden, going home to see my doggie tonight

6. 8 Things on my Wish List: um in the bigger picture less conflict in the world, a stabilization of the global markets, a cure to breast cancer (all cancer really) in the smaller picture an immersion blender, a bigger yard for a bigger garden, solar power for my house, more sleep

7. 8 Things I Love About Spring: green! everywhere! all the time!, daffodils, planning my garden, planting my garden, leaving the windows and screen door open, day light savings time, 80 degree days, return of the farmers markets

8. 8 People I Tag: I refuse to do this as most readers have already done this type of thing, but feel free to do it again if it suits your fancy.

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