Friday, January 29, 2010

light outside

Today I noticed that the sun IS starting to rise earlier . I can't wait until it is rising when I am up with the dog.

This week has been another cold one here. Thank goodness for our new furnace and for Eddie Bauer down. I think Bill and I would be in a world of hurt with out these two key winter survival items.

Not much on the docket for this weekend. I have a gift certificate to use at 1154 lill and will be joined by Lily in the effort to make our own purses. Have a nice weekend and stay warm.


Dad said...

As an added bonus, if you look outside after the sun goes down, and if the skies are clear(big if in Cleveland), you will get to see the 'largest' full moon of the the year. And for those of you with nice warm Eddie Bauer down, being out viewing the moon should not be a problem tonight.

Andrea and Terrance said...

I have always wanted a down comforter, but alas I have yet to get one. I have noticed the sun too and am SO excited for Spring. Btw, I want some of your rice pudding. Your bowls are way cute.