Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Lost: the final season

So there is a lot of hype out right now about the final season of Lost. While I am excited, as I do like the show. I feel like am and being set up for disappointment. Its like the Oscar complex. Very often if I see a movie before it is nominated/won, I will enjoy it and most likely think it is deserving of the nomination. But, If I see as movie after it has received a nomination, or more importantly won an Oscar, I usually think it is over hyped and not very good. There are exceptions to this but I am worried that a show that has entertained me for a good number of years now might have its final season over hyped by the time I watch it.

Bill and I had a very nice weekend. Spent time with Lily on Saturday, and Sunday we were able to see his friend Pasha and his girlfriend Tegan. I also made Bill go through his closet and clean it out (something that has not been done since we moved in). We still have a bunch of organization to do around the house, but I am feeling like it is cleaner and in better order as of late.

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