winnie says happy halloween, and please don't boil me in a pot

We had a fun filled weekend (after studying most of Saturday, that is). Since we moved into our house the number of trick or treaters has gone down in the last few years... so we had a surplus of candy. We had a lovely day though (the weather was never this nice when I was a kid). And our nice neighbors invited us over for ghoul-lash and pecan pie. This allowed us to not cook and enjoy some time with other people before hitting the books.
I have my fist midterm today and am being a bit manic depressive about it. as in ... i looked at the practice and all of this makes sense... therefore I will aces this ... and five min later ... crap if it is easy for me it is easy for everyone and i bet the questions will be all these hard things that we didn't practice on our homework and practice test.
I will let you all know how it goes.
Good luck on your test. I like the lobster costume.
Thanks... on both accounts!
I want that costume! I want that costume!
That is all. :)
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