somedays I wish I had never bothered to get up. Today is one of them. I have had a splitting headache now for 4 hours and work is not making it any better...
Let's just skip the wedding and move on to the honeymoon
To quote a famous donkey, "Thanks for noticing me." As my title suggests, I am not creative so don't expect cool phrases or neat titles from me. Most of my posts are about my little life on this rock we call Earth.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Laura's wedding
So just a preview of all the fun you will experience at a Clarke sister's wedding:
everybody's doin a brand new dance now....
she's a brick house....
you make me wanna shout (kick my heals up)

m-y-a-c (ymca, but man you wouldn't know it from this pic)
Now I must say that any and probably all of these scenes will happen at my wedding because, well, my family is just like that. Especially when they have all had a few drinks.
You have been forwarned.

everybody's doin a brand new dance now....

she's a brick house....

you make me wanna shout (kick my heals up)

m-y-a-c (ymca, but man you wouldn't know it from this pic)
Now I must say that any and probably all of these scenes will happen at my wedding because, well, my family is just like that. Especially when they have all had a few drinks.
You have been forwarned.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
{no comment}
anyway we got 5 yes count them f-i-v-e responses today and not a single one from frank, rj, or neil. (not to mention that neither of bills groomsmen have rsvped) however 2 of my three aunts (the two that both have kids in the wedding) finally responded. the one from erin had a picture on the back (drawn by morgan i am assuming) of a bride and a groom (in tails). if this was an accurate portrayal of me my arms are as long as my head is wide, i have a very thick neck no shoulders no boobs, and i am hopefully wearing a large hoopskirt because it would be quite impossible to have hips that large. anyway it is a very cute picture for a 6 year old.
in other news i have found a neat website (that doesn't seem to be a scam) cool site.
ok talk to you later
-no posts this weekend at home... dress fitting, buy mary's dress, hair appointment, breakfast with dad and giddo, oh yeah and a wedding.
in other news i have found a neat website (that doesn't seem to be a scam) cool site.
ok talk to you later
-no posts this weekend at home... dress fitting, buy mary's dress, hair appointment, breakfast with dad and giddo, oh yeah and a wedding.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
wedding stats
meeting a real economist today has me thinking in numbers (like i don't do that already.)
Invites sent out: 104
Response cards returned: 37
% returned: 35.5769%
# of people attending (so far) including selves and priest: 50
number of people expected:150
Breakdown by relationship of % attending (so-far). This is skewed because almost 95% of my family is expected where as about 30% of Bill's is expected.
Sarah's family: 27 out of 79 invited (34.18%)
Note: all three of my aunts have not responded at this point even though 2 of the three have children in the wedding.
Sarah's family friends (friends of mom etc): 5 out of 29 (17.24%)
Note: i don't expect quick response from these people and if i don't receive response i won't be the one calling them.
Sarah's and Bill's friends: 11 out of 48 (22.92%)
Note: neither of Bill's attendants have currently responded as to if they will be in attendance at the wedding.
Bill's Family: 6 out of 29 (12.24%)
Note we weren't expecting too many of Bill's family to make the trek, but whomever can make it is great.
So that's it the count down is slowly approaching 30 which will really freak me out, but I have a lot to do between now and then.
good night.
Invites sent out: 104
Response cards returned: 37
% returned: 35.5769%
# of people attending (so far) including selves and priest: 50
number of people expected:150
Breakdown by relationship of % attending (so-far). This is skewed because almost 95% of my family is expected where as about 30% of Bill's is expected.
Sarah's family: 27 out of 79 invited (34.18%)
Note: all three of my aunts have not responded at this point even though 2 of the three have children in the wedding.
Sarah's family friends (friends of mom etc): 5 out of 29 (17.24%)
Note: i don't expect quick response from these people and if i don't receive response i won't be the one calling them.
Sarah's and Bill's friends: 11 out of 48 (22.92%)
Note: neither of Bill's attendants have currently responded as to if they will be in attendance at the wedding.
Bill's Family: 6 out of 29 (12.24%)
Note we weren't expecting too many of Bill's family to make the trek, but whomever can make it is great.
So that's it the count down is slowly approaching 30 which will really freak me out, but I have a lot to do between now and then.
good night.
Monday, June 13, 2005
"working" from home
So i got in to see a dentist and my smile is intact. He just sanded down my tooth and gave me some radiation. 78 frickin dollars later I am "working from home. I like this ... my computer my desk (my tv) my toilets (see Now if only we had cable tv and there weren't any ants.
So for you who haven't returned your response cards RJ, Neil, Jake (I could name about 60 other people but I doubt they read this...) please do so or I will make you sit with the relatives I don't like :)
If any of you have recommendations for a first dance song (please only real recs.) just put them in the comment. We are having a hard time choosing one and since i have nixed techno, and bill doesn't think we can dance to the rainbow connection we are running out of ideas.
I started writing this this afternoon and now it is ten and i just got back from the gym. UPS delivered my ireland pics to the neighbor... good thing we aren't living in hyde park, or my pics would never had made it to me. so now i have tried to organize the pics in some semblance of order. Tomorrow my goal is to try and find something to wear to Laura's wedding and to find a nice mat and frame for a gift for mom.
I end with a name that show toon: "It's too darn hot, it's too darn hot."
can't get it... this is from the same musical:
"We open in Venice,
We next play Verona,
Then on to Cremona.
Lotsa laughs in Cremona.
Our next jump is Parma,
That stingy, dingy menace,
Then Mantua, then Padua,
Then we open again, where?" [repeat ad nauseum]
So for you who haven't returned your response cards RJ, Neil, Jake (I could name about 60 other people but I doubt they read this...) please do so or I will make you sit with the relatives I don't like :)
If any of you have recommendations for a first dance song (please only real recs.) just put them in the comment. We are having a hard time choosing one and since i have nixed techno, and bill doesn't think we can dance to the rainbow connection we are running out of ideas.
I started writing this this afternoon and now it is ten and i just got back from the gym. UPS delivered my ireland pics to the neighbor... good thing we aren't living in hyde park, or my pics would never had made it to me. so now i have tried to organize the pics in some semblance of order. Tomorrow my goal is to try and find something to wear to Laura's wedding and to find a nice mat and frame for a gift for mom.
I end with a name that show toon: "It's too darn hot, it's too darn hot."
can't get it... this is from the same musical:
"We open in Venice,
We next play Verona,
Then on to Cremona.
Lotsa laughs in Cremona.
Our next jump is Parma,
That stingy, dingy menace,
Then Mantua, then Padua,
Then we open again, where?" [repeat ad nauseum]
Sunday, June 12, 2005
i need a dentist
so i think i chipped my tooth yesterday when i ate a popsicle. i don't know how it happened but it is driving me nuz. I told my mom and she says if i don't go see a dentist tomorrow (or asap) i gould risk cracking my tooth. suffice it to say i a worried about it now, and it is super annoying.
Like bill said we saw brad pitt take off his shir run around in his underware and drink alot. I think the was a girl in the movie too.
i am trying to make my dad's present for fathers day and i remember why i usually buy presents
ok i am being distracted by singe simpsons so i think i'll go now.
Like bill said we saw brad pitt take off his shir run around in his underware and drink alot. I think the was a girl in the movie too.
i am trying to make my dad's present for fathers day and i remember why i usually buy presents
ok i am being distracted by singe simpsons so i think i'll go now.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
big black creepy crawly ants have invaded lily's home. perhaps the light switches will become nothing in comparison to these new annoyance.
I just finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time I enjoyed it. not as good as all the hoopla on it but good enough. tomorrow I start on the cupboard full of life (book 5 in the ladies #1 detective agency series)
ok time for bed.
btw if anyone knows how to troubleshoot remote desktop in xp professional lemme know.
I just finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time I enjoyed it. not as good as all the hoopla on it but good enough. tomorrow I start on the cupboard full of life (book 5 in the ladies #1 detective agency series)
ok time for bed.
btw if anyone knows how to troubleshoot remote desktop in xp professional lemme know.
My neurosis and complaints
So, I am sure I am not the only one who has small little hang-ups about certain things...
like the light switches in our kitchen
We have a set of switches on each side of the kitchen, one closer to the dining room and one closer to the garage, stairs and everything else.
Every day when i come home and want to turn on the lights i must hit the switch downward. which is the universal sign for off. At that point I feel compelled to go and change the other switch and thus fix the problem. It appears that Lily is the one who turns on the lights with one switch and turns them off with another, because every morning I again feel compelled to fix them when we leave, but they are all messed up when I get home in the afternoon.
Bill laughs as I fix the lights everyday, maybe he has secretly told lily to mess them up to get back at me for my ranking him third in a list of four asians and a white girl. (just kidding sweetie)
another example
The toilets at work
So I don't think I am alone in having a favorite toilet at work, I think lots of people like to use the same stall (urinal for you men) when you have to pee. we have 5 stalls and i like the second one from the door. there is a reason for this the end ones each have a grate over them and I don't like the idea of someone watching me pee, the middle one is in between the lights so it is too dark and the one second from the end is further away from the one second to the door. The last one and the on second from the end also require using the sucky paper towel dispenser.
So I have my favorite toilet, but recently some one has been using and not flushing, and I know the cleaning lady flushes them all when she cleans them midday and at night, but when ever i go in there 8:30 am 5:05 pm or any random time in between there is an unflushed toilet in my favorite stall. This angers me to know end, and I am not sure how bill is getting into the woman's washroom without notice but he must be behind this too (just kidding again sweetie)
so yes I have my little tics... people who own daily tear-off calendars should never let their calendar fall behind, its pa-con not peecan, i don't like people grabbing my waist, i don't like reading the newspaper but I do enjoy reading it if someone else's on the train or at work (upside down sideways etc, i see it as a challenge), punctuality, scheduling vacations ( I like to know what I am doing when)... it is because of my little tics, my funny eating habits, and my need for sleep on the plane ride over to Ireland that my family was constantly making fun of me... But that's ok because I have my blog and my job, and, well, yes, I have you too dear.
59 days until "I Do" 61 days until I see mickey mouse. I'm not sure which I am looking forward to more.
like the light switches in our kitchen
We have a set of switches on each side of the kitchen, one closer to the dining room and one closer to the garage, stairs and everything else.
Every day when i come home and want to turn on the lights i must hit the switch downward. which is the universal sign for off. At that point I feel compelled to go and change the other switch and thus fix the problem. It appears that Lily is the one who turns on the lights with one switch and turns them off with another, because every morning I again feel compelled to fix them when we leave, but they are all messed up when I get home in the afternoon.
Bill laughs as I fix the lights everyday, maybe he has secretly told lily to mess them up to get back at me for my ranking him third in a list of four asians and a white girl. (just kidding sweetie)
another example
The toilets at work
So I don't think I am alone in having a favorite toilet at work, I think lots of people like to use the same stall (urinal for you men) when you have to pee. we have 5 stalls and i like the second one from the door. there is a reason for this the end ones each have a grate over them and I don't like the idea of someone watching me pee, the middle one is in between the lights so it is too dark and the one second from the end is further away from the one second to the door. The last one and the on second from the end also require using the sucky paper towel dispenser.
So I have my favorite toilet, but recently some one has been using and not flushing, and I know the cleaning lady flushes them all when she cleans them midday and at night, but when ever i go in there 8:30 am 5:05 pm or any random time in between there is an unflushed toilet in my favorite stall. This angers me to know end, and I am not sure how bill is getting into the woman's washroom without notice but he must be behind this too (just kidding again sweetie)
so yes I have my little tics... people who own daily tear-off calendars should never let their calendar fall behind, its pa-con not peecan, i don't like people grabbing my waist, i don't like reading the newspaper but I do enjoy reading it if someone else's on the train or at work (upside down sideways etc, i see it as a challenge), punctuality, scheduling vacations ( I like to know what I am doing when)... it is because of my little tics, my funny eating habits, and my need for sleep on the plane ride over to Ireland that my family was constantly making fun of me... But that's ok because I have my blog and my job, and, well, yes, I have you too dear.
59 days until "I Do" 61 days until I see mickey mouse. I'm not sure which I am looking forward to more.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
ready set... bet!
Yes as much as I try to erase them from my memory the annoying cheers of the all too happy Gesu cheerleaders seep out every once in a while.
So Ireland... well what is there to say, I really did have a great time and my pictures are up on snap fish if you want to see them (just email me)
The wedding is now 60 days away (or less than 2 months since July has 31). Things are moving along quite nicely, but I am afraid that the month of July might just land me in a padded room. So if these posts start to trickle it's just because I will probably be 2 weeks away from the biggest party I have ever planned, and in the thick of quarterly reporting.
So I want to address a rising concern amongst readers... my devotion to Bill and his rank in my links, frankly it all has to do with laziness. You see Jed and RJ already had their blogs and when I copied and pasted the code i placed it after what I had copied. Besides Bill is bigger than things like rankings, aren't you dear?
This past weekend was spent in cleveland ohio getting things prepared for you ungrateful guests (food tasting) and getting things prepared for the almighty lord (ceremony planning) We also spend some time with david and adam who are so delightful to be around (when I have kids I hope they turn out that good). The highlight of my trip was going to solon and seeing my dear friend mary who has returned from Hungary. mary is doing well and is busy figuring out her complicated (no thanks to a mean CO) wedding situation. Anyway I sure things will turn out just fine.
I really want to nap, but all I can do is stare at my drool spot of shame and wish that I were at home.
Yes as much as I try to erase them from my memory the annoying cheers of the all too happy Gesu cheerleaders seep out every once in a while.
So Ireland... well what is there to say, I really did have a great time and my pictures are up on snap fish if you want to see them (just email me)
The wedding is now 60 days away (or less than 2 months since July has 31). Things are moving along quite nicely, but I am afraid that the month of July might just land me in a padded room. So if these posts start to trickle it's just because I will probably be 2 weeks away from the biggest party I have ever planned, and in the thick of quarterly reporting.
So I want to address a rising concern amongst readers... my devotion to Bill and his rank in my links, frankly it all has to do with laziness. You see Jed and RJ already had their blogs and when I copied and pasted the code i placed it after what I had copied. Besides Bill is bigger than things like rankings, aren't you dear?
This past weekend was spent in cleveland ohio getting things prepared for you ungrateful guests (food tasting) and getting things prepared for the almighty lord (ceremony planning) We also spend some time with david and adam who are so delightful to be around (when I have kids I hope they turn out that good). The highlight of my trip was going to solon and seeing my dear friend mary who has returned from Hungary. mary is doing well and is busy figuring out her complicated (no thanks to a mean CO) wedding situation. Anyway I sure things will turn out just fine.
I really want to nap, but all I can do is stare at my drool spot of shame and wish that I were at home.
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