Thursday, June 16, 2005

{no comment}

anyway we got 5 yes count them f-i-v-e responses today and not a single one from frank, rj, or neil. (not to mention that neither of bills groomsmen have rsvped) however 2 of my three aunts (the two that both have kids in the wedding) finally responded. the one from erin had a picture on the back (drawn by morgan i am assuming) of a bride and a groom (in tails). if this was an accurate portrayal of me my arms are as long as my head is wide, i have a very thick neck no shoulders no boobs, and i am hopefully wearing a large hoopskirt because it would be quite impossible to have hips that large. anyway it is a very cute picture for a 6 year old.

in other news i have found a neat website (that doesn't seem to be a scam) cool site.

ok talk to you later

-no posts this weekend at home... dress fitting, buy mary's dress, hair appointment, breakfast with dad and giddo, oh yeah and a wedding.


RJW said...

please take this as my RSVP. yes, i'm coming as frank astutely figured out in bill's blog. The postal service obviously doesn't function in Westmont, IL.

Frank said...

your wedding is in Ohio. Everyone knows how I feel about Ohio. so this is a big step for me. Please be gentle!

sarah said...

do you know how many cops we passed this weekend on our trip in and our of ohio... like 14 i swear to god i hate the ohio toll way.