To quote a famous donkey, "Thanks for noticing me." As my title suggests, I am not creative so don't expect cool phrases or neat titles from me. Most of my posts are about my little life on this rock we call Earth.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween
...which he will believe until he a) reads my blog or b) i puke up all th candy.
Friday, October 28, 2005
a great day for a parade!
so on my desk right now i have the actual ticker tape confetti that was shot out of cannons. it is pretty tissue paper in black white and red.
We watched the parade and threw shredded paper out the office next to ours which had a great view of Jackson and laSalle. So now i have to go back to work after spending the better part of the day celebrating (we also had cake because one of my coworker just won a huge humanitarian award.)
I would attach a picture but all i can find is streaming video... oh well.
Edited at 3:41: HA HA! I have found pictures. This are the pics from Diane's camera phone. The ones of the street she was actually hanging her arm awkwardly out the window (yes we have windows that open up) and giving her husband and the rest of us a heart attack that she would drop it and kill an innocent parade watcher. Lucky for us she has more coordination than the norm and she got some decent pics.
Edited 4:13: These next Pics are from John, who actually went to the parade but is tall enought to get picture even four people back from the curb.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Miers quits while she's ahead.
And the sox won... for the first time in my life i am living in a city which has won a championship. Yay!
I am home sick today and i am considering going back to bed... that or watching the quality DVD Cinderella
Sunday, October 23, 2005
go sox go
go sox go!
yay sox!
Anyway weekend sum-up: Mary was here and we had a wonderful time galavanting about town at her friends' wedding and making trouble for our husbands wallets in Naperville. I caught a moment or two fo the ND BYU game... the game for a higher calling ;-) I must say, though, that the real winner of satuday's games was Mitul Patel who travel down south to watch this pitiful attempt at a football score. Though some may say it was an exciting game, I am hard pressed to believe it.
Mary's wedding pictures are up on under Gurry. my fav is #387.
In other news we have finally done it--we finally fucked up the environment so much that we are on tropical depression alpha.
Friday, October 21, 2005
almost there's almost the weekend
...mary is almost visiting me
...i have almost wasted the entire week at work trying to fix my damn blog
anyway i almost have this blog thing worked out... I just need to figure out why the picture will show up in the title but not in the description where i want it.
I found this baby shirt... if you know anyone with a good sense of humor who is preg-o you might want to shower them with this. If you want to spend more may I recommend this as well. again give these only to people with a sense of humor.
Monday, October 17, 2005
changing colors
Go sox!
Also in Sports news, while I was hiking around the Morton Arboretum OSU did every one a big favor and put Michigan St in their place.
Meanwhile, the only thing that would have made this sports weekend better would have been if the Irish could have stopped that 4th quarter push from USC.
Friday, October 14, 2005
I have decided that though I like the "shut up rory" shirt i like this one more. I must say that between WB and abc most of the shows i enjoy have changed nights/times etc. good thing er is always on at the say night and time forever. to bad i missed half of it because i take showers sometimes.
I weighed in on RJ's site about the apprentice... i am still upset i missed the filler episode for everwood.
This weekend I would like to see walace and gromit and waiting. I am meeting up with Mrs. Brette Greenwood-Wing tomorrow. (for those who worked at the smart this might actually mean something).
I am reading Belcanto right now. Just finished Kracktoa and Goodnight Nobody. One of these days i will suck it up and start reading my cfa book. But that day will have to wait until i read what Carolyn sent me and Son of a Witch. Oh and ASOUE comes out next week and i will probably drop everything to read the still nameless novel.
i wish you all a nice weekend... my potbellys should be arriving soon (we eat so early on fridays) If you are wondering I am having a meatball with a chocolate banana shake. yum!
It's Friday, we all need some cute Brynn in our lives!

Thursday, October 13, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Mint Jelly!
Meanwhile, back in hell i am about to leave work... i really should get paid more for what i do.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005
the price of happiness
too bad by the time i could afford to take them I will have kids and will have to wait even longer...
what is the use of money if you don't enjoy it some may ask... I don't know, but I know if I want to ever move into my own home I will have to stop enjoying my money for a long time.
On a totally nonrelated note, Scott seems to be doing well and I like his new girlfriend. I hope they found the penguins they were going to search for after lunch.
another day another dollar
I will sit here and ponder this more while i dive into my quarter end work.