I have decided that though I like the "shut up rory" shirt i like this one more. I must say that between WB and abc most of the shows i enjoy have changed nights/times etc. good thing er is always on at the say night and time forever. to bad i missed half of it because i take showers sometimes.
I weighed in on RJ's site about the apprentice... i am still upset i missed the filler episode for everwood.
This weekend I would like to see walace and gromit and waiting. I am meeting up with Mrs. Brette Greenwood-Wing tomorrow. (for those who worked at the smart this might actually mean something).
I am reading Belcanto right now. Just finished Kracktoa and Goodnight Nobody. One of these days i will suck it up and start reading my cfa book. But that day will have to wait until i read what Carolyn sent me and Son of a Witch. Oh and ASOUE comes out next week and i will probably drop everything to read the still nameless novel.
i wish you all a nice weekend... my potbellys should be arriving soon (we eat so early on fridays) If you are wondering I am having a meatball with a chocolate banana shake. yum!
It's Friday, we all need some cute Brynn in our lives!

I'm so sorry I made you miss Everwood, but I really needed to find out what happened on the Apprentice and am much too impatient for TWOP. By the way, the movie was pretty good, except for the fact that the director tried to disguise porn as cinema. Gross Greek old men!
did i ever tell you that i knew sara drew who plays "hannah" on everwood way back in the day. she was one year younger than me and we went to the same church. in fact, she was pastor's daughter.
i think you did tell me that. i think she is a great character... very cute girl too.
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