Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ash and Dash

That is what Bill calls the distribution of ashes at St. Peter's in the Loop. We went to the full mass (which is a full 30 min along) and then went downstairs for the ashes. As we left the building there was a line wrapped around the side of the church. Now, I know Chicago has many Catholics, but I swear these people come out of the wood works... and then walking back to my office I pass a guy with ashes on his forehead and he looks at my forehead and gives me this odd smile. As if to say, "yeah, we know what's up"

Then you get back to work and people stare... and I work at a pretty Catholic work place... we get Good Friday off, during lent they order from places that have fish and pasta on Fridays, and the one's who aren't Catholic are pretty involved in their protestant religions. So why the stare... you all know what this is about... why should I feel embarrassed that I am a practicing Catholic?

well, my lunch break is nearing an end, so I will stop my rant and move on with my hungry meatless afternoon.


Skim said...

You have to give up meat on Wednesdays too?

sarah said...

just on ash wednesday, and you are supposed to fast
except that Catholic fasting and real fasting are different. Catholic fasting means you can eat a small breakfast and lunch (neither should be a meal) and not eat anything in beween and then eat a no frills dinner. let me tell you that at 7 pm when Bill and I finally got home, I was almost too hungry to cook...

Skim said...

My fast thinks delivery is for the weak...