Monday, March 27, 2006

RJ Says...

So RJ is wondering where the Youngs have wondered off to, well we were enjoying the weekend by spring cleaning, running errands, and celebrating Bill's birthday with the family.

Anyway, Bill and I have been quite busy, he with work and I with studying. I have made myself a makeshift desk in the bedroom where I have better lighting than the loft and more quiet than downstairs. They say that you shouldn't have things like desks, TV's, etc in a bedroom because it hinders your sleep, but if you are only sleeping 6 hours anyway, does it make a difference?

I am ready to stop studying. Notice that I am not ready for my test... Just ready to end the pain. People keep telling me I'll do fine etc, but if they knew the hours of studying that I am doing, and how behind on my little schedule I made I am they would probably tell me to quit while I am ahead.

Anyway that is all that is new in the life of Sarah. Going to try making a kalua cake for Mr. Bill for his birthday this week. I hope it comes out of the bunt pan ok.


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