Monday, October 27, 2008


that is the progress report on my house. the projects seem to be of decent quality, but after 3 days not one of them is done. I crave the normal routine. Winnie isn't too happy either.

This weekend, in coordination with the work Bobby and Ben are doing we bought the carpet (though they still have to measure to get the pricing and everything), we got a new sink for the upstairs along with a new curtain rod (we had already bought a new light) and a new light for the downstairs hall way. we are still looking for new sconces for the dining room and we'll need new curtains for the dining room. redoing your house is very hard work.

outside of the house work not much is new these days. i am reading two books right now The Story of Edgar Sawtelle and The Host i am enjoying each but the reading is slow.

I saw Brian and Bobby in the same place and time for the first time since last year's wedding in September. both boys are alive and well (i think) and i will see them together again at Christmas time. Brian will hopefully come visit once everything is done.

1 comment:

Malesa said...

I would love to have a house, but it does sound like hard work. I'm sure it's going to look awesome when you are done though.