Thanks to everyone who has donated for the American Cancer Society Making Strides walk. Bill and I have met out team goal, though each of us have not yet hit our personal goals. The walk is on Sunday, and it isn't too late to donate, in fact it is never too late to donate to a good cause.
In other news, Bill and I are in another round of construction and touch-ups around the house. After this, though, we really will have done everything we had hope to do (and some things that were unexpected and unwelcome). But, what that really means is that you should not hear the words painting building patching or totally redoing in reference to my house for quite some time (except maybe about a bigger and better garden for next year).
As most of you would expect the rollercoaster of a market has kept me busy at work lately. Bill is also pretty swamped. In other updates this little furball is going to be one on Sunday.

This is one of the photos the breeder took when she was 4 weeks.
That little picture is so cute! I forgot how little she was as a puppy. Congrats on meeting your team goal. Good luck on Sunday and good luck at work and with your house stuff. I would love to see pictures of your finished house projects.
you'll need to set a higher goal next year!
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