Wednesday, February 25, 2009

junk food hangover

yesterday i ate way too much junk food and now i have a headache that i think is the equivalent to a junk food hangover.

last year i tried doing something different for lent instead of abstaining from anything (though i think i did give up pop) i decided to proactively do something, reading the bible every night of lent.

This year the church i always attend ash Wednesday mass at had some other suggestions on their web site :

1. Each day, say something positive about someone in your family, your neighborhood, your office.

2. Each day, pay a compliment to someone you know or

3. Find a new way to tell your loved ones that you love them.

4. Thank someone for something they have done for you. If you cannot think of anything that someone has done for you, say thank you to God for something he has done.

5. Spend a few minutes listening to someone without comment or interjection. Simply listen.

6. Send a cheerful little note to someone each day.

7. Stop and whisper a prayer whenever you hear the clock or your watch strike the
hour. Alternate using prayers of petition, thanks, sorrow for sin, or praise on different days of the week.

8. Hide notes of encouragement or love in your child’s book bag or lunch bucket or your spouse’s briefcase or purse.

9. Embrace a loved one each day.

10. Console someone who is mourning the loss of a loved one.

I like these suggestions. None of them set you up to fail (ie don't complain, don' speak negatively about people) While I like those I know I as a human won't succeed at either of them. i can try to do both less, but that is about it. I like all the communication included too. so if you start to get random communication from me I may have decided to do that.


Unknown said...

Have I told you lately what a wonderful person you are.
These are far better than the 10 commandments!
I love you Sarah.

sarah said...

why thank you dad. I didn't write them but I did find them inspiring. i enjoyed the entire letter that Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld wrote on the website.

Malesa said...

Those are great suggestions! I agree that most of us just don't do those things enough. I don't know why though. It makes others happy, and in turn, makes us happy as well. I'm going to make a goal to do one of those specifically every day for the next week. Thanks!

Unknown said...

After reading your comment, I felt compeld to read the entire letter. It was a great message.