Those two words summarize all my feelings towards my garden right now. Inspired by
this post and the amount of weeds popping up, I decided to put on my jeans and a long sleeved shirt and go work in my garden. On the plus side, my garden has substantially less weeds than before, but on the minus I have substantially more bug bites (they bit through my shirt and gloves!). On the positive side my swiss chard is really coming out nicely, as are most of my plants, on the negative I scraped my arm along a fence post this time and am now wearing a super huge band aid (again). On the up side I did get a good amount of sleep last night, on the downside it was because I was having a full body reaction to all the bites and took Benadryl.
Anyway, I love my garden I love pulling the weeds and munching on green beans as I go, but more than once this summer people at work have asked me is it worth it. I think despite the bite, bruises, cuts, scrapes and muscle aches it is. I get such a sense of peace... ...until I convince myself there is a spider on me and I freak out. :)
ps to those who know him... Brian got some bite while fishing in Canada and is now in the hospital because the bite got infected. I just talked to him and he seems fine, but I am glad he went in. Here he is with a pike he caught:
oh lord now i feel so guilt lol
Wow! What a fish! His face looks sooooo much like a Weber. I can totally see my dad and your dad in him. Crazy! Good job on your garden. Now that we actually have a yard to take care of I'm terrified and I have the feeling that I'm going to kill every living thing out there in a matter of mere months.
you know when my brother Bobby saw this picture his first reaction was Brian has Grandpa Weber's chin and I totally agree.
ahem - point A) when did you brother get to be all grown up like? B) that's awful about the bug bites and the hospital and I'm SO glad he's ok and at least starting to feel better. Thank gosh he was smart enough to get it checked out...
Brains: another thing that must run in the Weber family :)
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