Monday, July 11, 2011

glow in the dark puppies

Last night I was taking Winnie out for the last time and I was wearing a sweatshirt despite the heat/humidity. Whenever I wear sweatshirts in the summer, I think of camping as a kid. I think it is because of all the mosquito bites I would get, but I took to wearing long sleeves no matter how warm it might have been at night. (i would also wear jeans, socks and hats - anything to keep those bugs from biting me).
When I was very young and we would go camping I had a kids sized sleeping bag. This sleeping bag I thought was soo cool because it had glow-in-the-dark puppies on it. Of course a year or two after I got the sleeping bag I became incredibly embarrassed by it. And some how, that was my thought progression last night. I fell asleep to the happy memories of family camping trips.

1 comment:

Malesa said...

Maybe you can find a glow-in-the-dark-puppies bedspread to put on your bed and then you will have come full circle!