Wednesday, May 04, 2005

"Four dead in O-hi-o"

yes, today is the anniversary of the Kent State shootings. Most non-Ohio/non-hippy-era people don't remember this but today is the anniversary of the shooting deaths of four innocent bystanders by the hands of the national guard. Anyway, I think people should remember and reflect on those shootings, even if only for a moment.

In other news, I finished up a draft of my Ireland itinerary last night, and therefore didn't post again as I thought I would.

Bill bought me the freakonomics book. Much of what is covered are papers we read in college, but there are other studies that I haven't read/ heard about and the book is well written (thanks to Dubner)

Our invitations are being addressed this week so hopefully we will be able to print up maps and get all the postage stuff together by next Monday. 94 days and counting ... yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

better hurry with those invites. some of us may be making alternate summer plans as this is typed.

speaking of shootings, i just heard today that some guy is gunning people down on california highways. today was shooting 12 or something, as you can see we don't get much news filtered our way during camp q.