so on my desk right now i have the actual ticker tape confetti that was shot out of cannons. it is pretty tissue paper in black white and red.
We watched the parade and threw shredded paper out the office next to ours which had a great view of Jackson and laSalle. So now i have to go back to work after spending the better part of the day celebrating (we also had cake because one of my coworker just won a huge humanitarian award.)
I would attach a picture but all i can find is streaming video... oh well.
Edited at 3:41: HA HA! I have found pictures. This are the pics from Diane's camera phone. The ones of the street she was actually hanging her arm awkwardly out the window (yes we have windows that open up) and giving her husband and the rest of us a heart attack that she would drop it and kill an innocent parade watcher. Lucky for us she has more coordination than the norm and she got some decent pics.
Edited 4:13: These next Pics are from John, who actually went to the parade but is tall enought to get picture even four people back from the curb.
Was your office one of the ones that were throwing toilet paper rolls out of the windows?
I love how it was a parade of baseball players and trophy (wives)!
as you can see (now) we were throwing out shredded documents (like all good companies)
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