Tuesday, May 30, 2006


cracking under pressure... or is it the humidity.

I am so glad that other friends read my alumni magazines... mary pointed out my picture in the HB one and Mr. Wang is lucky to have posted on a night when not much else had been through out (yes I had to dig through the trash to find the brief mention of Bill's and my nuptials)

Bill had fun in Vegas... speaking of which have any of you seen the recent "what happens in Vegas..." ads? the one with the landscaper and the home owner? it's funny.

Bill brought me back Alana's CD and a tee-shirt from the nine fine irishmen pub. I guess that is the next best thing to seeing her play. Al-- I will get out there sometime soon I promise. Maybe Mrs. Mary the world traveler will go with.

Ok back to ethics econ and portfolio mgmt... my study focus for the night.


alana. said...

The folks at NYNY thank Bill for adding to their already overflowing coffers...

Love to you and MB anytime - check first and make sure I'm not spread eagle with my skull flayed open first. Looks like I'm going to be taking a bit of an absence - but come fall, you guys should come out, and have a spin around Vegas with me! I'd even put you up, how's that for a friend??

Black Licorice said...

hope it went well!