Thursday, May 11, 2006

oh happy day....

so last night i finished my last chapter of reading and am now starting at the begining again. I hope that I have given myself enough time to properly review as the test is now 3 weeks from saturday.

in other news i am not cool with the rain (for a third day in a row) wind (gusts up to 40mph) and temp drop (40 degrees tonight?) I just got new summer clothes so i guess this is what i should expect. (Had I bought more sweaters it would be an unseasonably 85-90 degrees out)

I have my review course tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday (oh joy). I hope it will give me a sense of what i know and don't know.

oh... and happy birthday mr. Kim


Skim said...

Thanks aplenty! My birthday wish is that you rock the test.


Unknown said...

All this studying is gonna pay off! Think positive! And then come to Florida to celebrate! (Please note how serious I am about this through all my exclamation points!)