but just because the blizzard didn't seem as bad doesn't mean they are wrong about the bitter cold that is coming our way. i have consistently heard -2 as a high for Thursday. bundle up people!
Winnie is the only one in our house really loving this weather. she would stay out all day long if we let her. she love running/jumping through the snow, eating the snow, rolling in the snow. its like every time she sees it it is her first experience with it. I love making big snowballs and feeding them to her (sometimes she eats so much snow it gives her coughing fits.)
Last but not least... it's on facebook, but dad wanted to see our homemade egg rolls. we got better at the "folding" of them so that they started to really look right towards the end. the earlier ones look more like some flat rectangular dumpling.

Those look wicked delicious. It makes me want to order take-out for lunch. Hmm.....
they were/ are, but now my house smells like peanut oil. sometimes take out is easier... but this was much tastier.
seriously, do you have any idea how badly I want to come over to have a snowball fight and then cram my face full of eggrolls????
Bill told me we are having quite the international week of dinners:
Egg rolls and rice, Mediterranean fish with homemade saffron rice, fajitas on fresh tortillas with slow cooked beans...
I told him we could have some couscous and lamb and hit northern Africa/ Mideast or maybe some curry potatoes. Oh bother I am hungry again!
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