Thursday, August 20, 2009

chicken and biscuits

Last night, Bill found an easy recipe to bake a split chicken and I tried for the second time in my life to my biscuits. I should probably note, I have made grands plenty of times, and as a kid made the Bisquick drop ones a number of time too. What I am talking about is taking the flour and shortening and milk and rolling out and cutting round little pieces of dough. This time I had my pastry cutter thing that I invested in to make pie crust last year. that helped a lot. I still don't have a round cookie/biscuit cutter so I used a wine glass, which, with its stem, makes an excellent biscuit cutter.

We have had a lot of rain here since Sunday and yesterday my walk home from the train was a very wet ordeal. Bill had to dry out his wallet which he had in his front pocket and that was with a rain coat and umbrella. The rain in Chicago does not fall mainly on the plains. Of course, it's because we have paved over the plains, and that is why the streets become rivers as the water had nowhere to go.

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