Sunday, June 06, 2010

we don't have a belfry.

so why did we have a bat in our bedroom at 3 am the day of my test?

For those counting that is two aviary creatures found flying around my upstairs in two months.

Ok so I was feeling pretty good about my exam Friday. We had an early dinner and I relaxed in the evening. I got to bed around 10:30, making sure I turned off the fan so it wouldn't wake me up. Bill came up late and it woke me a little, and then i went back to sleep. i then felt a breeze on my face woke up ready to complain to Bill for turning on the fan. I noticed the fan wasn't on and the was something over near the window. Assuming a big moth had flown in i work bill up saying something was flying around.
Bill turns on the light telling me to cover my eyes. unfortunately, I was then instructed not to come out of the bed. after a few swings and misses bill caught the bat in a laundry basket. unfortunately, it seemed dead and pinned so bill moved the basket off of the bat so that it wasn't pinned. what we didn't realize was the bat had more fight it him, and he got back up and flew erratically around the room. bill couldn't find him. so around 340 i said good night and wished him good luck.
Around 5 i gave up trying to sleep and got up to find most of my bedroom in the office and bathroom. Bill still hadn't found the bat and he was systematically taking any movable object out of the room shaking it out and putting it aside. We finally found the dang thing around 530. I had to be up at 6 so i just started making my breakfast and bill started calling around to find out about testing the bat
Oh yeah, bats cause something like 95% of rabies cases in humans (though only about 5% of bats have rabies). So I get ready to go downtown and Bill has called animal control (closed) the police (no help) an animal hospital (answering service.) Bill drops me off downtown an goes back home and spent the majority of the morning finding someone to take the bat until the health department could test it on Monday. The test is quick but if it had rabies Bill and I will have to get the series of rabies shots.
So last night after finishing my test we cleaned up the room and tried to find where it would have come in from. We really can't find any obvious cracks, but we will probably have to have someone come out.
so that was my Saturday.
Today was less eventful more fun and over all a nice day. Winnie started agility classes this morning. Bill went to a "boy party" this afternoon (for our neighbor's young son), and we plan on hanging out tonight.
oh and Alana --- i got to use my bird tag again. HA!


Malesa said...

Wow! What a story! It seems too horrible to be true. I'm glad that you found the bat. I hope you don't have rabies. How did the test go?

Bill said...

test came back negative. whew!

alana. said...

LOL - technically bats aren't birds, but I am SO going to give you this one! It's extremely well deserved. :)