To quote a famous donkey, "Thanks for noticing me." As my title suggests, I am not creative so don't expect cool phrases or neat titles from me. Most of my posts are about my little life on this rock we call Earth.
Monday, April 25, 2011
sweet sweet chocolate
How I missed you!
and a funny e card to brighten up your monday...
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Bill and I have a great day with family and friends, ham and chocolate, church and naps. Easter was a sunny day amidst a bunch for yuck rainy days, so Bill and I walked to church which was very nice. Today it was cold and rainy, again. Sometimes I think Chicago had its weather crossed with Seattle.
and a funny e card to brighten up your monday...

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Free tea, fasting and ham via the mail
So for those 5 of you who read this probably know Easter Sunday is tomorrow. Happy Easter!
Some of you 5 may be aware that yesterday was Good Friday AND Earth Day. Which meant I was fasting, but did take advantage of the free tea that Starbucks offered. It also meant that I was inclined to finally buy reusable produce bags. It is something i have been interested in for a while and am very excited. these are a very fine mesh bags meant more for veggies than fruits, but I am excited because it kills me to use plastic bags, especially at the farmers market - it just seems counterintuitive.
Onto the last part of my title - my mother-in-law bought us an "Easter Dinner" from honey baked ham co. So will will be hosting Bill's family and two of my friends from the MBA program for an Easter "Linner" as Bill has a midterm to study for in the evening.
I hope you all have a happy Easter, and I will be excited to find my Easter basket (filled by myself and hidden by Bill) as it is sure to contain some chocolate, a very missed indulgence.
Monday, April 18, 2011
forced grill cleaning
due to mouse on the grill. not welcome in 30 some degree weather at 9pm.
in other news my iced tea has grown white mold.
just another day in the neglected young household
taking time for myself
as an add on to the post last week - this weekend, while busy was also used to recharger my "me time" battery. I got the BBC Pride and Prejudice on DVD on Saturday morning and spent the afternoon, late evening and Sunday morning watching all 6 episodes. We had dinner with some of Bill's school friends Friday and a birthday party Saturday. So homework waited until Sunday night.
Bill and I finally had a date "night" (or late afternoon) on Sunday as the last few Fridays have been busy with friends & family. We went to Naperville, and though it was chilly enjoyed walking in the sunshine around the downtown area (think quaint downtown with every fun retail store) We ate at Flattop Grill which not only has a student discount but also has "lunch prices" that we qualified for by eating at 4:50pm.
One of the things I miss when we have these go-go-go weekends is cooking, however with as busy as we are I do appreciate just having an easy meal where Bill and I can talk and spend quality time with each other.
I have some pictures from some of the recent events, but I have yet to load them I promise I will soon.
Friday, April 15, 2011
gardening in the rain
So first - I talked about my internship a few weeks ago when I got it, though I didn't mention the name of the place. I will be working for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation in Washington DC for the summer
Next - all week I have looked forward to getting some seeds planted for a spring garden. Before I would let myself enjoy some garden time I had some tasks to do and some homework to finish. By the time I got outside I was able to gather my tools and start raking when it started drizzling on me. I worked in the steady drizzle for a half hour before I gave up. No seeds were planted, but I will be ready when the weather is ready to cooperate
Monday, April 11, 2011
beautiful weather
We had some gorgeous weather here over the weekend. Bill and I got to enjoy it both days and it was invigoration to get some work down around the house and outside. Winnie and I treated ourselves with some dairy queen on sunday.
As for school things are going well though crazy busy. I feel like I had not participated must in campus life last quarter and am making up for it this quarter. Last week was the CWIB (chicago women in business) spring dinner which was a fun reason to dress up. This week was have a GSB (give something back) charity auction, also a fun reason to dress up. Classes are fun but many of them I signed up for the teacher and therefore am still uncertain of the point even in week 3.
I am still trying to find a place to sublet in DC and will start to get really excited once that is settled.
Once my housing is settled I need to start thinking about what to take clothing & object-wise.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Friday, April 01, 2011
One week down ...
Time flies when you are in school I am now on quarter 3 of 6 of my MBA. School is so much fun and I am so happy I decided to go back. Overall, I am really excited to dig in to the work and fun, but I am also a little overwhelmed by all that has changed in the last week. Over finals/spring break/ first week back I landed an internship for the summer. So with that pressure off, I can concentrate on my four classes and also having some fun (re)connecting with people. I also want to have more to do with leadership roles in the school.
So much to do so little time!
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