Friday, April 01, 2011

One week down ...

Time flies when you are in school I am now on quarter 3 of 6 of my MBA. School is so much fun and I am so happy I decided to go back. Overall, I am really excited to dig in to the work and fun, but I am also a little overwhelmed by all that has changed in the last week. Over finals/spring break/ first week back I landed an internship for the summer. So with that pressure off, I can concentrate on my four classes and also having some fun (re)connecting with people. I also want to have more to do with leadership roles in the school.

So much to do so little time!


Malesa said...

Congratulations on your internship! Is it a place that you may work at after you are done? I can't believe that you are almost half way through. That is going fast!

sarah said...

Thanks Malesa - No, it is just for the summer, but that works well as I can't really relocate permanently. It means that I will have to start all over in the fall, but for right now I can enjoy the rest of my first year with out job worries.

Since I will be in DC I hope I can see you and the kids sometime over the summer.