Monday, December 21, 2009

bad blogger

Time has slipped by me in the past week. Bill has been working crazy hours which means most of the holiday getting readiness has fallen in my lap. But don't feel too bad for me because I really love Christmas.

Anyway in the past week I:
  • roasted my first ever pumpkin
  • used said pumpkin in a delicious muffin recipe
  • did 7 loads of laundry (1 on Monday and 6 yesterday)
  • decorated most of the house for Christmas
  • wrote Christmas cards
  • went to the mall and lost all hope for humanity while looking for parking, then regained said hope and then paid it forward
  • decided on a menu for Christmas dinner
  • listened to copious amounts for Christmas music and now have a conglomeration of songs stuck in my head
So that's what has been shaking with me. I work through Wednesday and then have a long weekend. Since Thanksgiving week, I have only worked one full week. Got to love the holidays.


Emily said...

No. 6 cracks me up. What happened?

sarah said...

I drove around for 20 min being cut off and generally annoyed. I actually saw cars that had double parked (locking in a car) and multiple cards that had decided to go the wrong way down one way aisles. sigh. i had to turn off the Christmas music because it had me feeling un-Christmasy. But then a nice lady waved to me as I pulled down an aisle and pointed out her car. I got a very nice spot. so when I was leaving a few hours later I did the same.

alana. said...

So what's your Christmas menu?