Last night one of the best holiday movies was on tv. I really don't know why I love this movie so much, but I do. Today I have been humming the Island of Misfit Toys song over and over.

I made this delicious looking acorn squash last night. It was perfect.
The acorn squash is usually something I mess up because it doesn't cook long enough, but last night I got it just right.
- About 35 min cut side down @ 350 in a pan with about 1/4" water.
- Then flip score/ poke the insides and put a bit of butter in them (I also spread a small amount along the top cut part)
- Then I made a yummy mixture of cinnamon, clove , freshly grated nutmeg, and ginger (also probably know as pumkin pie spice) and mixed it with 2 scoops of brown sugar (one for each side) and about a 1/4 a cup of finally chopped walnuts).
- After the 25 min are up this mix got evenly divided between the two and baked for another 10 min or so.
When you take them out of the oven make sure to stir the mixture so that all the sugar gets yummy and melted.
the squash looks yummy!
and it was...
wow, your squash looks awesome. very cool.
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