Thursday, December 10, 2009


I hope that where ever you are, dear reader, you are warm.

This morning when I got up it was 2 degrees outside, and that wasn't including the wind chill. I guess it could be worse. My co-workers hometown of Alliance Nebraska was a nippy -17 early this morning (though it has warmed up since). And Bill's friend Pasha wins best facebook posting as yesterday he said "Now is the winter of our discontent". Leave it to Pasha to find something funny to say about the weather in Minneapolis.

Bundle up stay warm and for pete's sake don't go taking any triple dog dares!


saw this story on two of the blogs I visit daily. And now I have that song in my head.

1 comment:

Malesa said...

Yeah. It's cold. It stinks. But, at least it's not as cold for me as it is for some of my family. Jennie is stuck in Montana with weather that hits -14 degrees. Yuck!