don't they look happy? I wish I was living closer to them, as they grow up way too fast. People use to say that about me, but now I think my life as stalled a bit and i am stuck in the rut of get up got to work go home make dinner pick up bill eat dinner go to bed. repeat.
I am currently reading A horse and his boy book 3 in the narnia series. This one hasn't taken a hold of me like the others. but I am only a 3rd the way through. I really should start studying for the CFA, but honestly I just can't bring myself to study... i would rather read Kant than these CFA books.
anyway, Things are going ok right now, my life for the most part is good, and the things that are not good I have no control over, so I need to live and let with those things. It sounds like we will have visitors the weekend of Thanksgiving and for Christmas so that will be nice.
I leave you with my favorite picture of the week. This baby squirrel was taken in by the mother dog when she gave birth to her own pups. the squirrel now thinks he is just another pup.

1 comment:
that is a fantastic picture of your cousins and their nannies and Minnie....They should come see you guys in Chicago
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