Monday, September 15, 2008

the aftermath

well after about 48 hours of record breaking rain, the sky finally cleared last night. Thank you to family that called after seeing pictures of the flooded areas.

We were relatively unharmed and lucky. we have some damage in our basement from some seepage (we don't know where it is coming from in part of the finished part), some damage to our ceiling in the living room (have to find out if it is the flashing as I hope it is), and some leaking in the unfinished part of the basement (from an exhaust pipe to our furnace, go figure)

our backyard has become a swamp which was great fun to take the dog out into, especially when she decided to chase the bunnies.

much of homewood had a lot more flooding. the underpasses from the train were all blocked off (we couldn't get to the grocery store we would normally go to) and standing water made some areas impassable for small cars. I heard today that hf high school is closed... with no kids I don't really pay attention to that.

because of the rain we didn't go out to a movie or really do much outside our house. we did get to see michael clayton on hbo though and yesterday i made enough chili to feed a firehouse and two nice baguettes and a yummy peach cobbler.

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