Tuesday, September 02, 2008

What a Great Weekend!

I don't remember have such a nice August in ages, and this long weekend leading into September did not disappoint. It was beautiful all weekend long, and Bill and I were able to really enjoy it.

Friday we tried this place for dinner. It was great. Huge portions of food, but very good and with lots of sides. We then meandered into Frankfort, as we had never been there before and discovered they have a huge art and craft fair every year on Labor Day. So...

Saturday after working in the yard all morning we cleaned up and headed over to check things out. We had a lot of fun, got a little something for our basement project and even scoped out some new restaurants to try ... in the future because we had to go home and eat our leftovers.

Sunday brought some cleaning and house work and then a great evening in the city celebrating RJ's birthday and meat (we were at a churrascaria after all).

Monday we finally made ourselves start our weekend project, after prepping our cookout and making homemade spaghetti sauce from garden veggies, and plunged into the basement. lucky for us by that time we only had an hour until it was time to go grill and spend a beautiful evening outside. We even go Bill's parents to join in some cornhole ("bags" for you Chicagoans)

As we sat on the couch with the dog later last night, I turned to Bill and said, "Is it Friday yet?"


Malesa said...

Lol. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend. I hope Friday comes fast for you. :)

sarah said...

well look at that it is already wednesday!