Tuesday, November 03, 2009

and more pasta


Dad said...

Looks like an Italian Thanksgiving. I just finished making biscotti. How 'bout we share?

Andrea and Terrance said...

I must say I'm impressed. I've always been an awful cook.

And do you add anything to your pumpkin seeds when you roast them? I've never really known how to make them yummy.

Glad you guys had a good Halloween.

Anonymous said...

awesome, wow!!

sarah said...

Andrea thanks, and I followed a recipe I found online @ simply recipes. It said to boil them first in salted water so that the salt was even. Then bake with olive oil @ 400 until toasty brown. When I pulled them out I sprinkled a little five spice, which is a Chinese season on them. I think just salted would be yummy though.

Dad thanks maybe I can make a batch closer to Thanksgiving and bring in with me.

@littlehouse thanks it's certainly no soap nut but it was fun.

Malesa said...
