Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday

So I know I promised pictures, and I did up load them to the computer yesterday, so that should count as progress.

Today is Fat Tuesday, and there are two things I can't believe: 1. Lent is about to begin (spring and Easter are on their way!!) 2. It is Tuesday. OK so the first one I can believe because I have already been whining about how long winter has been. But the second one has me really off my game.

This past weekend was a Vale-dent-ese Day-ear weekend. (Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year, President's Day) Bill and I both had yesterday off, and I am still out of sorts because of everything.

Tomorrow will be Ash Wednesday and then we will begin the long trek towards Easter. As weird as it will sound I really enjoy Lent. I like the idea of a portion of the year that is meant for self sacrifice and being a better or more spiritual person. I also like that the end of Lent means Easter and spring.

So I will get some photos up, but in the mean time how did you celebrate the holidays this weekend (or today)?

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