Friday, February 19, 2010

Meatless yet again

Lent always seems to sneak up on me when it comes to meal planning. When I was a kid, my mom wasn't the best at remembering the no meat on Fridays rule leaving me to bring a bologna sandwich for lunch once during the third grade. This did not go over well at the Catholic school I was attending. Mom's response (infinite wisdom for moms out there) you don't like your lunch you make it yourself. (I started making my lunch that year.)

Anyway, I might not be the best Catholic out there, but I am pretty darn good about my Lenten practices. So this leaves me fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and abstaining from non seafood meat on Fridays.

For many years this meant the Friday's meals consisted of PBJ, mac n cheese, and grilled cheese sandwiches. After meeting Bill, however, I have been exposed to sea food that I enjoy eating and many other types of vegetarian cooking. So, I like rising to the challenge of meat less Fridays. Unfortunately as aware of the liturgical calendar as I am, I always seem to flub my meal plans the first week of Lent. Which leads me to today, where I have had pizza for lunch (ordered in for our office) and sadly (or cheesily) will have pizza for dinner (prearranged plans with other people). Sigh, maybe next year I should give up cheese, forcing a total revamp of my Lenten dinners.


Malesa said...

Wow. There are more rules for lent than I realized. I was just talking about it with one of my friends here today. She is giving up shopping. I told her if I tried giving something up right now, I think it would have to be all the sugar and junk I've been consuming. Something I really should stop eating anyway.
Good luck on your meatless meals

alana. said...

Am I the only one who saw the "Lent always seems to STEAK up on me" typo??? LOL

sarah said...

oops i'll fix that now!

alana. said...

awwww, but it was funny! sneak/no meat....? hee hee... :/