Hi friends and family!
I am writing you to announce the release of my book, Shared Moments of Joy, a picture book for people with moderate to severe memory loss.
I was inspired to write Shared Moments of Joy when while working with people experiencing memory loss, I discovered that many individuals with moderate dementia retain elementary reading abilities. Many more enjoy the shared experience of a picture book. I also learned that finding age appropriate books, to which older adults can relate, is difficult. I was motivated to write a book that could be enjoyed, shared and inspiring to those with memory loss and their caregivers.
Shared Moments of Joy is a simple story and an easy read. It is written in first person and conveys the thoughts and feeling of an older woman with memory loss as she enjoys a day at the beach with her son. A chance encounter with a young girl enables her to revive lifelong passions and long-term memories. The book emphasizes the value of fostering opportunities to connect and create a sense of belonging – essential to all of us. The book also reinforces the importance of tapping into lifelong passions and long-term memories, when short term memory is failing. The illustrations are colorful, simple and hand drawn by my sister, Kara.
Statistics state that approximately 40% of people over 80 years old have dementia and the vast majority of those individuals have Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately the numbers keep rising. Today most of us know someone suffering with a form of memory loss.
I am sharing this with you and ask that you assist me in getting the word out to the families who are struggling with this devastating disease and to organizations and communities caring for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Help me spread the word by forwarding this email (and if possible, add your own introduction). The book will soon be available through online bookstores and can currently be ordered through the website: www.sharedmomentsofjoy.com. For those of you associated with memory support communities, adult day care centers, and other organizations serving people with memory loss, please let your professional contacts know that if they order through my website, I will accept purchase orders and am offering discounts for volume orders. I will also be donating a portion of the proceeds each year to the National Alzheimer’s Association.
Please take a moment to forward this email to friends and family. Thanks for helping spread the word – Keep pursuing your passions and making lifelong memories.
Kathleen Michael Weber
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