Sunday, March 21, 2010

seeded my broccoli

it has gotten down right cold around here, but despite that I have planted my seeds for broccoli and gotten them under the grow light. hopefully within the week I will see the fruits of my labor peeking out.

I didn't have much luck last year with seeding things, of course that is because 100% of what i seeded was supposed to be planed directly not transplanted. So, I am hoping for better luck this time.

today mr bill ran in the shamrock shuffle. and while it looked like the weather was going to be as crummy as last year, the rain stopped so he had a brisk but dry run. We go home in the afternoon, and while bill took a nap I watched the osu ncaa game and made soup.

I wanted to thank you all for your support about school. I find out on Wednesday, and I am amazed at how quickly time flies by.

ok time to be mildly productive at studying.

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