Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So back in High School I applied early to the wonderful UofC and anxiously awaited the letter in early December. and when it came in a thin envelope I know nothing good could come of it. But the news wasn't totally bad. I had been deferred. And when all the applications came back in March I received my big thick envelope.

So the moral of the story is being wait listed isn't totally bad. I just have to wait some more.

PS I now will recite one of those silly poems I learned as a kid:

Patience is a Virtue
Virtue is a Grace
And Grace is a dirty girl
Who doesn't was her face


Andrea and Terrance said...

We got wait-listed too!!! Except patience has NEVER been a good virtue of mine. I will cross my fingers for both of us!

Anonymous said...

you're so in. just not this second. but you're in. congrats!

sarah said...

Andrea -- I messaged you on face book.

@littlehouse thanks for your confidence, but This year many people have been wait listed... I continue to have hope, but I have to be realistic.